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From America’s most trusted expert on Amish life comes Simply Amish, an essential guide to Amish life, culture, and faith. Why do the Amish reject technology and education―or do they? Why do their young people choose to stay Amish when their beliefs and practices put them so at odds with modern society? How are they different from the Mennonites?When it comes to learning about the Amish, it can be hard to sort out fact from fiction. Donald Kraybill has lived among, studied, written about, and befriended the Amish for many years, and Amish people read his books to learn more about themselves. Through stories from his friendship with the Amish and studies from his forty-year career, Kraybill takes readers on a gentle journey among a people known for their simplicity, rootedness in church and family, and commitment to peaceful living. Get answers to your questions about Amish life. Discover why this 325-year-old group still flourishes in the midst of twenty-first-century life.

Item: 2006950

Price: $10.99

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